手动实现 doctrine:mapping:import 标准码农 Symfony博客 709 views 在symfony7版本中默认使用doctrine/orm 3.0版本 在最新版本中删除了 `doctrine:mapping:import` 命令,无法从已经存在的数据库导入生成Entity 以下实现导入功能,自动生成get/set与对应的Repository 本文只展示支持MySQL数据库,更多数据库请移步至 [doctrine-helper](https://github.com/siburuxue/doctrine-helper) 在MySQL的[数据类型](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.3/en/data-types.html "数据类型")中,不支持`bit`与`enum`类型,其他数据类型如果有相似类型就转成相似类型,例如:double转成float > 命令行参数: >* namesapce Entity类的命名空间 默认App\Entity >* type 数据库字段描述信息 attribute, xml, yaml, php 默认attribute >* --path=src/Entity Entity类文件存放路径 默认 src/Entity >* --fcfirst=true 生成symfony6版本Entity(私有属性以驼峰命名规则, 项目迁移业务代码可以无缝衔接), 默认生成symfony7版本(make:entity生成的Entity中私有属性保留下划线 ) >* --table=test,test1 导入指定表,生成对应的Entity,Repository >* --without-table-prefix=eq_ 生成Entity时忽略表前缀eq_(eq_test => src/Entity/Test.php) src/Command/DoctrineMappingImportCommand.php ```php <?php namespace App\Command; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection; use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception; use Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand; use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\KernelInterface; #[AsCommand( name: 'doctrine:mapping:import', description: 'instead of `php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import App\\Entity attribute --path=src/Entity` [--ucfirst=true] [--table=test,test1] [--without-table-prefix=eq_]', )] class DoctrineMappingImportCommand extends Command { private string $tableName = ""; private string $tableList = ""; private string $ucfirst = ""; private string $withoutTablePrefix = ""; private array $tableInfo = []; private string $database; private string $entityName = ""; private string $root = ""; private string $entityDir = ""; private string $repositoryDir = ""; private string $namespace = "App\\Entity"; private string $type = "attribute"; /** * @throws Exception */ public function __construct( private readonly Connection $connection, private readonly KernelInterface $kernel ) { parent::__construct(); $this->database = $this->connection->getDatabase(); $this->root = $this->kernel->getProjectDir(); $this->entityDir = $this->root . "/src/Entity/"; $this->repositoryDir = $this->root . "/src/Repository/"; if (!file_exists($this->entityDir)) { mkdir($this->entityDir); } if (!file_exists($this->repositoryDir)) { mkdir($this->repositoryDir); } } protected function configure(): void { $this ->addArgument('namespace', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, "the entity's namespace, App\\Entity on default") ->addArgument('type', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, "attribute, xml, yaml, php; attribute on default") ->addOption('path', "", InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, "the Entity's path, src/Entity on default") ->addOption('table', "t", InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'the import tables of the database') ->addOption('ucfirst', "", InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'convert first character of word to uppercase') ->addOption('without-table-prefix', "", InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'without table prefix'); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output); $namespace = $input->getArgument('namespace'); if (!empty($namespace)) { $this->namespace = $namespace; } $type = $input->getArgument('type'); if (!empty($type)) { $this->type = $type; } $path = (string)$input->getOption('path'); if (!empty($path)) { $this->entityDir = $this->root . "/" . $path; if (!file_exists($this->entityDir)) { mkdir($this->entityDir, 0755, true); } } $this->tableList = (string)$input->getOption('table'); $this->ucfirst = (string)$input->getOption('ucfirst'); $this->withoutTablePrefix = (string)$input->getOption('without-table-prefix'); $this->import(); $io->success('Import success!'); return Command::SUCCESS; } private function import(): void { if (empty($this->tableList)) { $tableList = $this->getTableList(); } else { $tableList = trim($this->tableList, ','); $tableList = explode(',', $tableList); } foreach ($tableList as $tableName) { $this->tableName = $tableName; $this->do($this->tableName); } } /** * @throws Exception */ private function do(string $tableName): void { $this->tableInfo = $this->getTableInfo($tableName); $this->makeEntity($tableName); $this->makeRepository(); } /** * @throws Exception */ private function getTableList(): array { $rs = $this->connection->fetchAllAssociative("show tables"); return array_column($rs, 'Tables_in_' . $this->database); } /** * @throws Exception */ private function getTableInfo(string $tableName = ""): array { $sql = "select * from information_schema.columns where table_name='{$tableName}' and TABLE_SCHEMA = '{$this->database}' order by ORDINAL_POSITION"; return $this->connection->fetchAllAssociative($sql); } private function makeRepository(): void { $fileName = $this->entityName . "Repository.php"; $filePath = $this->repositoryDir . $fileName; if (!file_exists($filePath)) { $content = <<<EOF <?php namespace App\Repository; use {$this->namespace}\\{$this->entityName}; use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepository; use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry; /** * @extends ServiceEntityRepository<{$this->entityName}> * * @method {$this->entityName}|null find(\$id, \$lockMode = null, \$lockVersion = null) * @method {$this->entityName}|null findOneBy(array \$criteria, array \$orderBy = null) * @method {$this->entityName}[] findAll() * @method {$this->entityName}[] findBy(array \$criteria, array \$orderBy = null, \$limit = null, \$offset = null) */ class {$this->entityName}Repository extends ServiceEntityRepository { public function __construct(ManagerRegistry \$registry) { parent::__construct(\$registry, {$this->entityName}::class); } // /** // * @return {$this->entityName}[] Returns an array of {$this->entityName} objects // */ // public function findByExampleField(\$value): array // { // return \$this->createQueryBuilder('a') // ->andWhere('a.exampleField = :val') // ->setParameter('val', \$value) // ->orderBy('a.id', 'ASC') // ->setMaxResults(10) // ->getQuery() // ->getResult() // ; // } // public function findOneBySomeField(\$value): ?{$this->entityName} // { // return \$this->createQueryBuilder('a') // ->andWhere('a.exampleField = :val') // ->setParameter('val', \$value) // ->getQuery() // ->getOneOrNullResult() // ; // } } EOF; file_put_contents($filePath, $content); } else { $content = file_get_contents($filePath); if (!str_contains($content, "@extends")) { $replace = <<<EOF /** * @extends ServiceEntityRepository<{$this->entityName}> * * @method {$this->entityName}|null find(\$id, \$lockMode = null, \$lockVersion = null) * @method {$this->entityName}|null findOneBy(array \$criteria, array \$orderBy = null) * @method {$this->entityName}[] findAll() * @method {$this->entityName}[] findBy(array \$criteria, array \$orderBy = null, \$limit = null, \$offset = null) */ class {$this->entityName}Repository extends ServiceEntityRepository EOF; $origin = "class {$this->entityName}Repository extends ServiceEntityRepository"; $newContent = str_replace($origin, $replace, $content); file_put_contents($filePath, $newContent); } } } private function makeEntity(string $tableName): void { if (!empty($this->withoutTablePrefix) && str_starts_with($this->tableName, $this->withoutTablePrefix)) { $tableName = substr($tableName, strlen($this->withoutTablePrefix)); } $entityName = $this->upperName($tableName); $this->entityName = $entityName; $fileName = $this->entityName . ".php"; $filePath = $this->entityDir . $fileName; $indexes = $this->makeIndexes(); [$properties, $getSet] = $this->makeProperties(); $content = <<<EOF <?php namespace {$this->namespace}; use App\Repository\\{$entityName}Repository; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; #[ORM\Table(name: '{$this->tableName}')]{$indexes} #[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: {$entityName}Repository::class)] class {$entityName} { {$properties} {$getSet} } EOF; if (file_exists($filePath)) { unlink($filePath); } file_put_contents($filePath, $content); } public function makeProperties(): array { $properties = ""; $getSet = ""; $primaryArray = array_filter($this->tableInfo,function($v){ return $v['COLUMN_KEY'] === 'PRI'; }); $othersArray = array_filter($this->tableInfo,function($v){ return $v['COLUMN_KEY'] !== 'PRI'; }); $this->tableInfo = []; array_push($this->tableInfo, ...$primaryArray, ...$othersArray); foreach ($this->tableInfo as $item) { $type = $item['DATA_TYPE']; $columnName = $item['COLUMN_NAME']; if ($this->ucfirst === 'true') { $columnName = $this->upper($columnName); } $isNullable = $item['IS_NULLABLE']; $columnDefault = $item['COLUMN_DEFAULT']; $characterMaximumLength = $item['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH']; $numericPrecision = $item['NUMERIC_PRECISION']; $numericScale = $item['NUMERIC_SCALE']; $columnComment = $item['COLUMN_COMMENT']; $isPrimaryKey = ($item['COLUMN_KEY'] === 'PRI'); $isAutoIncrement = ($item['EXTRA'] === 'auto_increment'); $nullable = ""; $nullableType = ""; if ($isNullable === "YES") { $nullable = "nullable: true"; $nullableType = "?"; } else { if ($type === 'json') { $columnDefault = "[]"; } } $varType = match ($type) { "bigint", "decimal", "varchar", "char", "text" => "string", "smallint", "tinyint", "mediumint" => "int", "double" => "float", "set", "json" => "array", "date", "time", "datetime", "timestamp", "year" => "\DateTimeInterface", default => $type, }; $ormColumnParam = []; if ($this->ucfirst === 'true') { $ormColumnParam[] = "name: \"{$item['COLUMN_NAME']}\""; } $ormColumnOptionParam = []; if(in_array($type, ["int", "smallint", "tinyint", "mediumint", "bigint", "float", "double", "decimal", "char", "varchar", "varbinary", "binary", "blob", "text", "set", "json", "date", "time", "datetime", "timestamp", "year"])){ if ($type === 'smallint') { $ormColumnParam[] = "type: Types::SMALLINT"; } else if ($type === 'bigint') { $ormColumnParam[] = "type: Types::BIGINT"; } else if ($type === 'decimal') { $ormColumnParam[] = "type: Types::DECIMAL"; $ormColumnParam[] = "precision: $numericPrecision"; $ormColumnParam[] = "scale: $numericScale"; } else if (in_array($type, ['binary', 'varbinary'])) { $ormColumnParam[] = "type: Types::BINARY"; } else if ($type === 'blob') { $ormColumnParam[] = "type: Types::BLOB"; } else if ($type === 'text') { $ormColumnParam[] = "type: Types::TEXT"; } else if ($type === 'set') { $ormColumnParam[] = "type: Types::SIMPLE_ARRAY"; } else if($type === 'date'){ $ormColumnParam[] = "type: Types::DATE_MUTABLE"; } else if($type === 'time'){ $ormColumnParam[] = "type: Types::TIME_MUTABLE"; } else if (in_array($type, ['datetime', 'timestamp', 'year'])) { $ormColumnParam[] = "type: Types::DATETIME_MUTABLE"; } if (in_array($type, ['char', 'varchar'])) { $ormColumnParam[] = "length: {$characterMaximumLength}"; } if (!empty($nullable)) { $ormColumnParam[] = $nullable; } if (!empty($columnComment)) { $ormColumnOptionParam[] = "\"comment\" => \"{$columnComment}\""; } if ($type === "char") { $ormColumnOptionParam[] = "\"fixed\" => true"; } if (!empty($ormColumnOptionParam)) { $ormColumnParam[] = "options: [" . implode(', ', $ormColumnOptionParam) . "]"; } if (empty($ormColumnParam)) { $properties .= " #[ORM\Column]" . PHP_EOL; } else { $ormColumnParam = implode(', ', $ormColumnParam); $properties .= " #[ORM\Column({$ormColumnParam})]" . PHP_EOL; } if ($isPrimaryKey) { $properties .= " #[ORM\Id]" . PHP_EOL; if ($isAutoIncrement) { $strategy = "strategy: \"IDENTITY\""; } else { $strategy = "strategy: \"NONE\""; } $properties .= " #[ORM\GeneratedValue({$strategy})]" . PHP_EOL; } if (in_array($type, ['binary', 'varbinary', 'blob'])) { if (isset($columnDefault)) { $properties .= " private \${$columnName} = {$columnDefault};" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } else { $properties .= " private \${$columnName} = null;" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } else { if (in_array($type, ['bigint', 'decimal', 'char', 'varchar'])) { if (isset($columnDefault)) { $columnDefault = "'{$columnDefault}'"; $properties .= " private ?{$varType} \${$columnName} = {$columnDefault};" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } else { $properties .= " private ?{$varType} \${$columnName} = null;" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } else { if (isset($columnDefault)) { if (in_array($type, ['date', 'time', 'datetime', 'timestamp', 'year', 'text'])) { $columnDefault = 'null'; } $properties .= " private ?{$varType} \${$columnName} = {$columnDefault};" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } else { $properties .= " private ?{$varType} \${$columnName} = null;" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } } } $functionName = $this->upperName($columnName); if(in_array($type, ["int", "smallint", "bigint", "tinyint", "mediumint", "float", "double", "decimal", "char", "varchar", "text", "set", "json", "date", "time", "datetime", "timestamp", "year"])){ $getSet .= " public function get{$functionName}(): ?{$varType}" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " {" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " return \$this->{$columnName};" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " }" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; if (!$isAutoIncrement) { $getSet .= " public function set{$functionName}({$nullableType}{$varType} \${$columnName}): static" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " {" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " \$this->{$columnName} = \${$columnName};" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " return \$this;" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " }" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } if(in_array($type, ["varbinary", "binary", "blob"])){ $getSet .= " public function get{$functionName}()" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " {" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " return \$this->{$columnName};" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " }" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " public function set{$functionName}(\${$columnName}): static" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " {" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " \$this->{$columnName} = \${$columnName};" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " return \$this;" . PHP_EOL; $getSet .= " }" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } return [rtrim($properties), rtrim($getSet)]; } private function makeIndexes(): string { $sql = "show index from {$this->tableName} from {$this->database} where key_name <> 'PRIMARY'"; $rs = $this->connection->fetchAllAssociative($sql); if (empty($rs)) { return ""; } $indexes = []; $indexArray = []; foreach ($rs as $r) { if (isset($indexArray[$r['Key_name']])) { $indexArray[$r['Key_name']]['Column_name'][] = $r['Column_name']; } else { $indexArray[$r['Key_name']] = [ 'Non_unique' => $r['Non_unique'], 'Column_name' => [$r['Column_name']] ]; } } foreach ($indexArray as $key => $item) { $class = "ORM\Index"; if ($item['Non_unique'] == '0') { $class = "ORM\UniqueConstraint"; } $columns = implode(', ', array_map(function ($v) { return "'{$v}'"; }, $item['Column_name'])); $tmp = "#[{$class}(name: '{$key}', columns: [{$columns}])]"; $indexes[] = $tmp; } return PHP_EOL . implode(PHP_EOL, $indexes); } private function upperName(string $name): string { return str_replace("_", "", ucwords($name, '_')); } private function upper(string $name): string { return lcfirst($this->upperName($name)); } } ``` 帮助PHPZlc项目! 与任何开源项目一样, 贡献代码 或 文档 是最常见的帮助方式, 但我们也有广泛的 赞助机会。 2 加入技术群 评论 去登录